The Pirate House

The Pirate House in Charleston, S.C. dates back to the early 1700's when Charleston was a very young city. In those days the pirate Blackbeard was said to have frequented the house, hence its name.

There are three stories. The entrance to the bottom is by the front door. The entrance to the upper two stories in from the courtyard in the rear.

The courtyard is reached by way of a very narrow walkway between the graveyard wall and the house.

The historical marker identifying the Pirate House.

There is a wrought iron gate at the entrance to the courtyard, and the walkway becomes more narrow as it progresses.

A view of the couryard.

Another view of the courtyard. Accomodations to modern conveniences are evident.

The courtyard again. The Green Man peers out from behind the ivy.

A view of St. Phillips graveyard from the second story window of the Pirate House. The large monument in the upper center is the resting place of John C. Calhoun.

The spire of St. Phillip's lighted by the late afternoon sun.

The other graveyard beside St. Phillip's. Here rest only those of South Carolina birth.

A view of the Pirate House as the sun sets.

The Pirate House at night.

Church St. at night, looking from St. Phillip's toward the Dock Street Theater.

A short walk will take you to the Market, or to the Omni, or to the Bay Street restaurant area.